A new year, a new addition. Two bloggers came together to create a hopefully NOT hot mess of a blog. From the books we read, to the movies we watch, and everything in between; it all gets regurgitated here for our readers to become hypnotically entranced.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Follow Friday #2
This is my second time doing this. I had a lot of fun visiting new blogs last time. Unfortunately I don't get the chance to do it every Friday. FF is hosted by parajunkee and alison can read. The two featured blogs this week are hands and home and me my shelf and i. Make sure to check those blogs out!

Friday, July 29, 2011
Review: Perfect Chemistry
Synopsis: (Back Cover)
At Fairfield High School, on the outskirts of Chicago, everyone knows that south siders and north siders aren't exactly compatible elements. So when head cheerleader Brittany Ellis and gang member Alex Fuentes are forced to be lab partners in chemistry class, the results are bound to be explosive. But neither teen is prepared for the most surprising chemical reaction of all-love. Can they break through the stereotypes and misconceptions that threaten to keep them apart?
My Thoughts:
....So WOW! This book was amazing! I heard so many good reviews about it, I was afraid it wouldn't hold up the expectations of them. But WOW it did. The way the author wrote this book, was so good that you could actually feel the emotions the characters were feeling. It felt like you were the characters. The fiery passion between Brittany and Alex was spectacular. It was so hot and steamy.
My favorite part in the story in on page 150. I'm only going to give a little teaser.
......I'm totally game to making out with her.
As my brain goes through every scenario, she steps closer.
And snatches my keys out of my hand.
"What you think you're doin'?" I ask her.
"Getting you back for kidnapping me." She steps back and with all her might whips my keys into the woods.
"You did not just do that."
One part that kind of bugged me about the book was when Alex got down on his knees and Brittany says Oh. My. God. I know its not a big deal or anything. I just felt like that wasn't something the true Brittany would, only the Brittany she used as a "perfect" front. I just really loved this book. I can't even express in words how much.
I'm so ready to read Rules of Attraction
next. I watched the book trailer on Simone Elkeles website. It looked really great. Makes me anticipate the book even more! If you would like to see the trailer, click HERE.
I'm still reading Pretty Little Liars #2. Hoping to get done with that soon.
Until next post...Happy Reading to All
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Personally Saturday #3
Date: July 23, 2011
Time: 11:34
What was the weather like this week?
Dreadfully HOT!
News and Event with Families and Friends:
Well my aunt has calmed down on her drinking. Not as much as I would like, but at least she is getting better. Oh and I had one of my long lost friends text me this week asking to hang out, but she still never told me when though. Maybe she will soon. My brother and his wife are going to be on vacation this next week. That's about all the news. Hah my life is pretty boring.
I am excited about:
About the same as last week. I'm hoping they continue to post new pictures of my dorm this next week! They have only posted a picture of the 1st floor kitchen. So I'm still anxiously waiting for them to at least post a week of my floor.
I am concerned about:
I'm concerned that when I do start my classes I won't be able to keep reading as much as I would like.
New Music:
1. Chapter Four
- Avenged Sevenfold
2. Psychosocial
- Slipknot
3. Y'all Want a Single
- Korn
4. Touch, Peel, and Stand
- Days of the New
5. Broken
- Seether
6. A.D.I.D.A.S
7. Tonight, Tonight
- Hot Chelle Rae
8. I Don't Want to Wait
- Paula Cole
I won a contest on YA Bliss. I won a copy of Divergent from Owl for YA. So I would say this week was a success.
I haven't finished any books this week unfortunately. But I did start Perfect Chemistry
. Every moment I have I'm reading this book. So far this book has been amazing! I heard so many good reviews about it so I had to get a copy. Now I'm stuck in this book. I haven't even picked up Pretty Little Liars since I bought this book. I will review it as soon as I'm finished.
Goals/Ideas for a better tomorrow:
My goal for next week is to finish at least two books I've started lately.
Until next post....Happy Readings to All
Time: 11:34
What was the weather like this week?
Dreadfully HOT!
News and Event with Families and Friends:
Well my aunt has calmed down on her drinking. Not as much as I would like, but at least she is getting better. Oh and I had one of my long lost friends text me this week asking to hang out, but she still never told me when though. Maybe she will soon. My brother and his wife are going to be on vacation this next week. That's about all the news. Hah my life is pretty boring.
I am excited about:
About the same as last week. I'm hoping they continue to post new pictures of my dorm this next week! They have only posted a picture of the 1st floor kitchen. So I'm still anxiously waiting for them to at least post a week of my floor.
I am concerned about:
I'm concerned that when I do start my classes I won't be able to keep reading as much as I would like.
New Music:
1. Chapter Four
- Avenged Sevenfold
2. Psychosocial
- Slipknot
3. Y'all Want a Single
- Korn
4. Touch, Peel, and Stand
- Days of the New
5. Broken
- Seether
6. A.D.I.D.A.S
7. Tonight, Tonight
- Hot Chelle Rae
8. I Don't Want to Wait
- Paula Cole
I won a contest on YA Bliss. I won a copy of Divergent from Owl for YA. So I would say this week was a success.
I haven't finished any books this week unfortunately. But I did start Perfect Chemistry
Goals/Ideas for a better tomorrow:
My goal for next week is to finish at least two books I've started lately.
Until next post....Happy Readings to All
Monday, July 18, 2011
BlogFest 2011-Winner!
Carol M.
I have email Carol and she has responded.
Wow this was one of the best hops/giveaways that I've done. Thanks guys for following me. I love when people follow me on their own without me requesting it! I feel loved. HAHa I really appreciate all the love guys. I won't disappoint you. I should be having another giveaway soon.
Also I started reading Pretty Little Liars #2: Flawless the other day. I'm about a 4th way through it. I'll probably be reading some tonight. I've been getting my junk ready for the move-out-of-my-house and move-in-my-new-college-dorm. Busy, busy, busy. I have so many books that I want to take, but I know they all want fit in my car.
Oh my! I just got a great new contest idea!!! When I figure out all the details about it, I'll post it ASAP! I think y'all will enter it!
I hope everyone had fun hopping through all of the blog. Hope you guys won lots of awesome books.
Until next post....Happy readings to all!
Pretty Little Liars,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Personally Saturday #2
Date: July 16, 2011
Time: 10:23
What was the weather like this week?
It was extremely sunny. A little rain today and yesterday.
News and Events with friends and families:
I didn't really do much with my family this week. Me and one of my friends had a harry potter marathon, but didn't get to finish it before the midnight premiere. We also went and registered for classes.
I am excited about:
I'm excited about starting my new college. I even have this horsemanship class. I've always wanted to learn how to ride a horse! I couldn't believe the college had it. When I saw it, I just knew I had to take it!
I am concerned about:
I just concerned about my other classes. Like I was going to a tech school. The classes there were pretty much easy. I'm just scared that I won't be able to do these classes.
New Music:
I only got one song this week. What the fuck is wrong with me??
1. Bad Meets Evil
No I didn't win any this week. I received the items I won last week though. I'm excited to read those!
Books started/finished:
I started and finished Vampire Academy and Pretty Little Liars.
I started Pretty Little Liars #2: Flawless
Goals/Ideas for a better tomorrow:
I need to start working out again. I'm going to try and work out everyday this week. Wish me luck!
Time: 10:23
What was the weather like this week?
It was extremely sunny. A little rain today and yesterday.
News and Events with friends and families:
I didn't really do much with my family this week. Me and one of my friends had a harry potter marathon, but didn't get to finish it before the midnight premiere. We also went and registered for classes.
I am excited about:
I'm excited about starting my new college. I even have this horsemanship class. I've always wanted to learn how to ride a horse! I couldn't believe the college had it. When I saw it, I just knew I had to take it!
I am concerned about:
I just concerned about my other classes. Like I was going to a tech school. The classes there were pretty much easy. I'm just scared that I won't be able to do these classes.
New Music:
I only got one song this week. What the fuck is wrong with me??
1. Bad Meets Evil
No I didn't win any this week. I received the items I won last week though. I'm excited to read those!
Books started/finished:
I started and finished Vampire Academy and Pretty Little Liars.
I started Pretty Little Liars #2: Flawless
Goals/Ideas for a better tomorrow:
I need to start working out again. I'm going to try and work out everyday this week. Wish me luck!
Review: Pretty Little Liars #1
Pretty Little Liars #1
Back Cover:
Everyone has something special to hide-especially high
school juniors Spencer, Aria, Emily,
and Hanna.
Spencer covets her sister's boyfriend. Aria's fantasizing about her English teacher. Emily's crushing on the new girl at school. Hanna uses some ugly tricks to stay beautiful. But they've all kept an even bigger secret since their friend Alison vanished.
How do I know? Because I know everything about the bad girls they were, the naughty girls they are, and all about the dirty secrets they've kept. And guess what? I'm telling.
My Opinions:
I read this book during the Read-A-Thon. I've had this book for almost a year. I even have the next three of them. I haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Like I've said in earlier post, I have a buying-books-addiction. My TBR pile is HUGE!
I was surprised that the book was actually good. I only got the chance to watch the first two episodes on TV. I decided to buy the seasons on DVD when I get the money to. I liked the episodes that I saw. I thought that maybe I wouldn't like either the show or the books. I figured it would be too soap-opera-y.
The mystery and twist keep me into it. I'm not a huge fan of every character. My favorite character to read about in the books is Aria. I don't know what it is about her, but she is the most interesting. I also like Spencer. I just feel so bad for her. Them two are my favorite. I think it's because I can relate to them so well. My least favorite is Hanna. She gets annoying sometimes. She is too much worried about her image then anything else. She is all about popularity. I like Emily too. She is one of my favorites, but its interesting to get a view point inside of homosexuality. I'm straight and I have no problems with gays. I've always kind of wondered if it was scary to be attracted to the same sex. I think Sara Shepard gives a good insight about it.
+May contain spoilers behind this+
Poor Emily really struggles with her sexuality. Her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend, is kind of a jerk. He is very immature. I can't stand guys that are like that. Just because he got his ego crushed doesn't mean he should glare at her at the funeral. The death of Alison really takes a tole on all the girls.
At first Alison was just missing for years, then at the end of the book they find her body. They haven't done a DNA test. They recognized it was her by the ring on her finger. I think it would be a huge twist if it turns out to be someone else. I'm not sure what happens in the series. I try not to look at people's reviews because I don't want anything spoil. I do like making assumptions about what might happen next.
I feel really sorry for Spencer. The way her parents are treating her is so wrong. I can't stand when adults play favorites, especially with their children. It's not Spencer's fault that Melissa can't keep her man happy. Melissa knows that she is the favorite of her parents and she definitely takes advantage of it. If I was Spencer, I would have went after Ian instead of Wren. I haven't decided if I think Spencer likes Wren, or she just gets that confused with liking the fact that her sister's boyfriend pays more attention to her.
I can't wait to find out with happens next.
+Who I think is A+
I think its Maya. Maya is in Alison's old room. She could have gotten hold of Alison's journal that could have kept everything in it.
I hope everyone is enjoying BlogFest. I know I am!
Happy Readings to All!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Winner!- A Thoughts and A Giveaway
...... And the winner is
#4 Sophia
I have emailed Sophia and she has 48 hours to respond or I will choose another winner.
Don't forget to enter my BlogFest!
BlogFest 2011
Wow I almost forgot about this. With my internet being down, I've gotten behind in the blogging world. I'm just going to keep it short, since so much time has already been wasted.
My Giveaway:
A book under $10 at book depository
You do not have to be a follow
Leave your email in the comment section
Ends July 17 at 11:59 pm
Details about BlogFest visit A Journey of Books
Winner will be announced on July 18.
Winner chosen by Random
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Once Upon A Read-A-Thon The End
I'm really sorry that I haven't posted my wrap-up sooner. My Internet has been done. I thought it would never come back on.
Books I finished:
I know its not a lot at all. I got really busy. Stuff kept popping up. I read as much as I could. I'm hoping the next read-a-thon I can at least double it! I hope everyone has a blast! I know I did!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Mini-Challenge #2
I did complete one book yesterday and half of another. So I'm very proud of myself.
I decided to participate in YA Bliss's mini challenge.
Her challenge is to choose your three favorite love-triangles.
To me this challenge is pretty dang tough. I usually always go for the bad boy in the books.
My choices:
1. Personal Demons
- Gabriel vs. Luc
- Even though I didn't like this book very much, I still haven't decided who I want Frannie to be with.
2. Blood and Chocolate
- Aiden vs. Gabriel
3. And of course, The Twilight Saga Complete Collection
- Edward vs. Jacob
I decided to participate in YA Bliss's mini challenge.
Her challenge is to choose your three favorite love-triangles.
To me this challenge is pretty dang tough. I usually always go for the bad boy in the books.
My choices:
1. Personal Demons
- Even though I didn't like this book very much, I still haven't decided who I want Frannie to be with.
2. Blood and Chocolate
3. And of course, The Twilight Saga Complete Collection
Monday, July 11, 2011
Review: Twisted (Fearless #4)
This was the first book I'd decided to read for the Read-A-Thon. I just finished it a few minutes ago. I don't think I've stuck to reading like that in years. I think I'm getting to old for this. lol
Anyways...it's been years since I've read the first three books in the Fearless
Every book in the Fearless series is great so far. Every page is filled with suspense and mystery. I have to keep reading to find out what happens next. I didn't even want to take breaks today, but I did. I get awful headaches if I read too long. Even with these headaches I'm pushing through this read-a-thon.
Contains Spoilers after is point....
Unfortunately I figured out that David was the killer pretty dang early. Maybe it's because I want Sam and Gaia together. Who the hell knows? But I feel so sorry for Ed, him being in a wheel chair and all. If not really that he is in a wheel chair that makes me feel sorry him, it's the fact that he is chasing after a girl that he knows doesn't feel the same. I guess that's just humans. Going after something they love, no matter the heartbreak later. I hope she brings in a character for him. I like Ed. He is sweet and kind. A guy any girl would dream to have.
If Sam really loved Gaia, he wouldn't be sleeping with Heather. I want Sam and Gaia together, but then again I don't. I feel like he doesn't care for her enough. He is only with Heather because he feels same and she's hot. I just get the feeling that he is very shallow. I hope he changes soon, or I'm going to want another love partnerfor Gaia.
Update on Progress:
Finished Gaia: Check!
Started on second book: Right after I get off of here. I think I'm going to read the first book in the Pretty Little Liars.
Well I'm off!
Happy Reading to All!
Mini-Challenge #1
Hey guy. I decided to participate in IB Book Blogging's mini-challenge. It struck my interest when I noticed the theme was Mythology. I love Mythology. The book that I'm reading for the Read-A-Thon has a little of mythology in it.
Question 1.
What is your favorite type of mythology?
Well my all-time-favorite would probably have to be Greek, but I also love Roman too.
Question 2.
What is your favorite book with some type of mythology in it?
That's easy. It's the Daughters of the Moon Complete Series 13 Books (Volume 1-13)
. I loved them. I read them a couple of years ago and they fascinated me!
Update on Progress:
I'm half way through my first book. I'm hurrying as fast as I can.
Question 1.
What is your favorite type of mythology?
Well my all-time-favorite would probably have to be Greek, but I also love Roman too.
Question 2.
What is your favorite book with some type of mythology in it?
That's easy. It's the Daughters of the Moon Complete Series 13 Books (Volume 1-13)
Update on Progress:
I'm half way through my first book. I'm hurrying as fast as I can.
Once Upon A Read-A-Thon
Once Upon a Read-A-Thon last from July 11-July 13. I didn't start last night because I was really sick. I got up early this morning and read the last couple of page in Vampire Academy. I'm not counting that book in this challenge because I started it awhile ago. I will review that book shortly.
I'm not quite sure what books I'm going to read in this challenge. I have so many on my TBR pile. I'll try to update after each book. I'm sure I'm not going to get through a lot. I've had stuff randomly popping up that I have to do. Ah well I'll try my best and keep ya updated!
+Update+ If you really want to know what I'm reading then check out my Goodreads. It will be the most updated. I've decided to read Twisted (Fearless #4).
Good luck to everyone!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Peronally Saturdays
I've been researching and thinking this week about something special I could do on my blog, that no one else really does. I thought and thought, but just couldn't think of anything. This past Thursday I decided to clean and rearrange my room. I just can't stand coming into my room and it looks the same day after day. So every couple of months I get into this cleaning-arranging-spree. I think it runs in my family. I noticed that my mom and aunt does it. I was also informed that my grandmother, who passed away when I was small, did the same thing as I do. Anyways, while I was cleaning I found this old journal that I haven't written in years. Some of you may have heard of the Me Journals. It's a little different then journals that I usually have. One every page of this one is several questions then on the back is a blank page where you can make notes. This old journal is what gave me the inspiration on Personally Saturdays.
I'm going to use some of the questions on the journal page, but I'm also going to put my own little "spark" in it. It's basically an update of whats going on in my life. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will.
Here it goes!
I'm going to use some of the questions on the journal page, but I'm also going to put my own little "spark" in it. It's basically an update of whats going on in my life. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will.
Here it goes!
Date: July 9, 2011 Time: 12:30 pm
What was the weather like this week?
It was extremely hot! We had a few thunderstorms at night, but it was still scorching in the day. I was really wishing I had a pool this week!
New & Events with family and friends:
My Aunt and that side of my family returned from Florida. My great-grandmother passed away last week. I didn't attend the funeral services because I had never met her. See I'm adopted by my great-uncle and great-aunt. I don't really know anything about my biological father's side of the family. I'm just recently getting to know them. I was suppose to go hang out with my Aunt today, but I didn't get up til 3 pm. I just haven't felt good today. I'm hoping to see her tomorrow!
I am excited about:
They are quite a few things I'm excited about. One thing is Once Upon a Read-A-Thon. I hope I get to make a dent in my TBR pile. Another thing I'm excited about is I received a letter from my new college telling me my dorm room and my roommate's name. I found out that my dorm room is in the brand new dorms that they are opening up this fall. So I can take a shower in my room without worrying about catching something. If you had seen the last college I was at, you would understand why I'm so excited to have a clean dorm. The past college I went to, had disgusting dorms and bathrooms. I'm so ready to start this college. I can't believe me of all people is wanting to start school! I'm sure after a week or so after starting I'll probably be wishing for a break.
I am concerned about:
I'm concerned that my new roommate and I won't like each other. So far in my dorm-life I've had pretty cool roommates. Another thing I'm concerned about is having really hard classes.
New music:
I got a couple of songs this week.
1. Lost
- Avenged Sevenfold
2. Video Killed the Radio Star
- Amber Pacific
3. Scream
- Avenged Sevenfold
4. Too Close
- Next
5. Dying
- Stone Sour
Did you win any contest?
Actually I won two contest this week. Which is a miracle because I hardly win anything! I won a signed copy of Burning Skies from Bitten by Paranormal Romance. I'm excited to receive it! Then I also won the Freedom Hop on The Wormhole blog. I got to choose between a couple of books by Leanore Elliott. I chose the Soul Trilogy.
Did you buy anything this week?
Believe it or not I didn't buy anything this week. I'm trying to save up money to have while I'm at school.
Books you started/finish:
Goals/Ideas for a better tomorrow:
Make more time for reading. Take more time out to tend to the blog. I think I'm going to try to read 5 books in the Read-A-Thon. Ahhh wish me luck. I would really like to finish Vampire Academy today!
This is my first time doing Personally Saturdays. I hope you guys like it. If you have any opinions on what I should add or take away to make it better, please tell me! Don't forget to enter my Harry Potter Giveaway.
free books,
Freedom Blog Hop,
My Blood Approves,
Personally Saturday,
Vampire Academy
Friday, July 8, 2011
Follow Friday 7/8/2011
This is my first time doing the whole "Follow Friday." I hope I do it correctly.
If you don't know much about Follow Fridays or would like to join, check out Parajunkee. Parajunkee explains it way better then I could.
Featured Blog: Read.Breathe.Relax
Follow Friday's Question:
Let's step away from besties...What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?
Reading Update: I'm on page 229 out of 332 in Vampire Academy. I'm almost done! Yay!
Don't forget to enter my Harry Potter Contest!
Happy Readings to All
Follow Firday,
Harry Potter,
Vampire Academy
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Two Covers Revealed!
Fans of Across the Universe
, the sequel A Million Suns: An Across the Universe Novel
was just released. I have unfortunately not had the chance to read Across the Universe yet. I hope to get to read it soon. I know they're are a lot of fans out there that love the first book, that's why I decided to share the new cover.
Here is A Million Suns:
Here is A Million Suns:
I really love the cover of these books. They're so pretty! The colors are wonderful.
On Goodreads.com it says the plot of this book is a secret. Personally that just makes it sound more interesting!
Now, Fans of Thirteen Reasons Why
, the author of this book is Co-writing a new book. It will be released on November 11, 2011. Again I have to say, I have not read the book Thirteen Reasons Why, but it's on my TBR list.
The Cover of The Future of Us
These covers are very unique. It kind of reminds me of The Matrix
Here is the Plot from Goodreads:
"It's 1996, and less than half of all American high school students have ever used the Internet.
Emma just got her first computer and an America Online CD-ROM.
Josh is her best friend. They power up and log on--and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.
Everybody wonders what their Destiny will be. Josh and Emma are about to find out."
Emma just got her first computer and an America Online CD-ROM.
Josh is her best friend. They power up and log on--and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.
Everybody wonders what their Destiny will be. Josh and Emma are about to find out."
I'm currently a little over half-way through Vampire Academy Signature Edition: A Vampire Academy Novel
. So far it's pretty good and keeping my attention. Which has come pretty damn hard these days. I'm not sure if it's because of the books, growing up, or because I'm just so darn busy. I'll post my opinions on it when I finish it!
Don't forget to enter my Harry Potter Giveaway. It ends on July 15 at 12:01 AM.
Happy Readings to All!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Book Review: My Blood Approves
A couple of months ago I was searching the Nook library for cheap interesting books. I find a few, but the one that really struck my interest was the book My Blood Approves
Here is the other books:
The first book Cost:
Paperback on Amazon: $8.99 (the link My Blood Approves
Barnes and Noble Nook Book: $0.99 ( the link)
Trust me this book is worth that 99 cents! Even if you don't like nook books, its worth the 8.99 too!
I really loved this book. Yeah it has the vampire theme everyone seems to be using these days, but to me the characters were original and it had a few twist to it.
(Now on may contain some spoilers)
I think I might like the wrong male character. Since I have only read the first book I try not to choose who I want to end up with who. But I can't help myself, I really like Peter. I have a feeling that Alice is going to end up with Jack. Don't get me wrong I like Jack. But every since we found out about them being vampires, he acts a little too childish. I know being a vampire, in this book, it takes several years for them to mature, but come on. You don't have to make him seem like he's 12. Peter....ah Peter. He is so mysterious and dark. He wants her then he doesn't want her. He tries his best to refuse her, but its taking a tole on him. Seriously Peter she was made for you! They have a bond, let the magic happen! I hope I get more peter-alice-sexy-ness! I haven't had the chance to start the second book yet, but I hope to soon.
Right now I'm currently reading Vampire Academy Signature Edition: A Vampire Academy Novel
and Evil in Carnations (Flower Shop Mysteries, No. 8)
. I mainly reading Vampire Academy though. So far it's pretty good. I have no idea what I'm going to read next. I have so many reads on my TBR list its crazy! Tomorrow I will definitely post a picture of all of the books.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway in the last post! If you don't see it here's the LINK. Make sure to spread the word. I don't think many people know about it because only one has entered so far. :( It doesn't end until Juky 15th. So there is still time!
Oh one more thing if you haven't enter any of the contest in the Freedom Blog Hop, there is still time for that. Lots of blogs came together for this. There are lots of great prizes being handed out. It ends on the 7th. I have already entered all the ones I liked. If you need the list of blogs here is the Link. Thank you to I am a reader, not a writer for hosting this hop.
Oh Gosh I forgot. Happy 4th of July! Stupid me. +facepalm+
Oh Gosh I forgot. Happy 4th of July! Stupid me. +facepalm+
Happy Readings to All
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Thoughts and a Giveaway
So I've been thinking since it's the last Harry Potter coming out, that I would do a giveaway for it! I don't know about you guys, but I've been counting down the days for it. I even have a countdown clock app on my phone. I'm such a dork. >.<
I can't believe that this is the last movie. It makes me feel so old. I grew up with these movies and the books. I do have to admit the movies are what caught my attention first. I'm probably going to cry my eyes during the whole movie. I'm a pretty strong-willed person, but this being the last movie is just so emotional!
I guess it seems right for the last movie to come out while I'm 18. What am I going to countdown to now?? hah Well I still have many fantastic books to do that too, I guess.
My favorite book of the series would definitely have to be the 6th one. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)
was so hilarious. It kept me entertained the whole way through. I read it in one day. I couldn't put it down to save my life! I don't think I even ate anything until I was done with it.
My favorite movie of the series....hmm..... I don't think I have one. I love them all! I do know my least favorite would have to be between Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. They just weren't the best to me.
I'm sure you tired of me rambling and wanted to know about the giveaway. Well I'm giving away the last book in the Harry Potter series. It's a hardcover and it's only been read once, by me. It's in very good condition.
I can't believe that this is the last movie. It makes me feel so old. I grew up with these movies and the books. I do have to admit the movies are what caught my attention first. I'm probably going to cry my eyes during the whole movie. I'm a pretty strong-willed person, but this being the last movie is just so emotional!
I guess it seems right for the last movie to come out while I'm 18. What am I going to countdown to now?? hah Well I still have many fantastic books to do that too, I guess.
My favorite book of the series would definitely have to be the 6th one. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)
My favorite movie of the series....hmm..... I don't think I have one. I love them all! I do know my least favorite would have to be between Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. They just weren't the best to me.
I'm sure you tired of me rambling and wanted to know about the giveaway. Well I'm giving away the last book in the Harry Potter series. It's a hardcover and it's only been read once, by me. It's in very good condition.
US only.
From July 2-July 15 12:01 AM
You do not have to be a follower, but its greatly appreciated. :)
All you have to do is answer these two questions:
What is your favorite movie of the series?
What is your favorite book of the series?
Answer these in the comment section.
Don't forget to leave your email. So I can contact if you win.
The winner will have 48 hours to respond or I choose another winner.
Winner is chosen through random.org
(If you don't want to leave it in the comments you can send me an email hypnoticallyentranced(at)gmail(dot)com)
Hypnotically Entranced is not responsible for anything lost or damage in the mail.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Midnight Release of Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
Who all went to the midnight release of Transformers 3??
I went my my two little brothers and my mom. I love transformers. I even have a shirt that has Optimus Prime of it. Of course, I wore it last night, very proudly in fact. lol
In my opinion this one wasn't as good as the first two. I mean it wasn't awful, but it wasn't the best. I felt it could have been lots better! I didn't like the actress they picked to replace Megan Fox's role. Rose Huntington-Whiteley was not a good actress. She didn't have good chemistry with Shia LeBouf at all.
That's one thing I hate about the movies continuing. It seems after the 2nd movie the quality just goes down hill. Sometimes just after the 1st one it goes to the shithole. I hate when they change actors/actresses. It feels like its a total different movie entirely.
Over all this movie was good. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.
I give it a 3.5 stars.
I can't wait until Harry Potter's midnight release. I hope it's good. I don't think I've been disappointed with any of the movies yet and I hope the last doesn't ruin that!!
I went my my two little brothers and my mom. I love transformers. I even have a shirt that has Optimus Prime of it. Of course, I wore it last night, very proudly in fact. lol
In my opinion this one wasn't as good as the first two. I mean it wasn't awful, but it wasn't the best. I felt it could have been lots better! I didn't like the actress they picked to replace Megan Fox's role. Rose Huntington-Whiteley was not a good actress. She didn't have good chemistry with Shia LeBouf at all.
That's one thing I hate about the movies continuing. It seems after the 2nd movie the quality just goes down hill. Sometimes just after the 1st one it goes to the shithole. I hate when they change actors/actresses. It feels like its a total different movie entirely.
Over all this movie was good. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.
I give it a 3.5 stars.
I can't wait until Harry Potter's midnight release. I hope it's good. I don't think I've been disappointed with any of the movies yet and I hope the last doesn't ruin that!!
Dark of the Moon,
Midnight Premiere,
Transformers 3,
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Fool for Books- Winner!
Hi everyone! Sorry again for the late posting! Anyways the winner is
I have sent her an email and she has 48 hours to respond. If she doesn't, then I'll have to choose another winner.
Thank you all who participated in this blog hop. And a huge thanks for the people who become GFC followers! I really appreciate it!
Another thanks to I am a reader, not a writer and The Bookish Snob for hosting this!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fool for Books- Giveaway!
Hey guys I know I'm very late with this one, but I just saw the email. Shame on me. Anyway I'm going to make it very simple all you have to do is leave a comment with your email address. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your email in the comments, you can send me a email with it. My email is hypnoticallyentranced(at)gmail(dot)com.
US only guys!
What you can win??
Your choice of any book from amazon that's under $10.
US only guys!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
IMM (4)
IMM were started by The Story Siren
Hi guys!!! Yes I know it's been awhile. I have been very busy with school and all. This last quarter really kicked my ass. I made two C's. I never make C's. The quarter before that I had a 4.0 GPA. I don't know what happened to me. It was just really hard for me. Anyways, now I'm on spring break for about two weeks. Well not from my high school class, but from college. Thats good enough for me! I had recently joined the Different Area Codes Book Tour, which is a tour of ARC's. I don't know if everyone has heard yet, but the chick that runs it isn't going to do it anymore. She said people were being very rude to her. I don't blame her. I bet it was very stressful! I got two books yesterday. One I bought on my NC and the other from Different Area Codes.
The one I bought on my NC was:

If you don't have this book and want to read it, now is your chance. Its only $.0.99 on the Nook store!!
I've been wanting to read it for awhile. I heard the series is pretty dang good. Can't wait to start it!
The one I got from Different Area Codes:

I can't wait to read this one either. I'll be reading this one before Wicked Lovely.
Hi guys!!! Yes I know it's been awhile. I have been very busy with school and all. This last quarter really kicked my ass. I made two C's. I never make C's. The quarter before that I had a 4.0 GPA. I don't know what happened to me. It was just really hard for me. Anyways, now I'm on spring break for about two weeks. Well not from my high school class, but from college. Thats good enough for me! I had recently joined the Different Area Codes Book Tour, which is a tour of ARC's. I don't know if everyone has heard yet, but the chick that runs it isn't going to do it anymore. She said people were being very rude to her. I don't blame her. I bet it was very stressful! I got two books yesterday. One I bought on my NC and the other from Different Area Codes.
The one I bought on my NC was:
If you don't have this book and want to read it, now is your chance. Its only $.0.99 on the Nook store!!
I've been wanting to read it for awhile. I heard the series is pretty dang good. Can't wait to start it!
The one I got from Different Area Codes:
I can't wait to read this one either. I'll be reading this one before Wicked Lovely.
book tour,
Different Area Codes book tour,
Melissa Marr,
Sara Bennett Wealer,
Wicked Lovely
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